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[ demoGraph ]
Audiovisual installation for 4ch plasma display and 4.1ch multi sound
Four screens hanging in a dark room convey the stunning visuals by Federico Foderaro, a Beriln-based multi-media artist specialising in MaxMSP and Jitter programming, while José Pino's electroacoustic music resonates from multiple sources. The audience is invited to reflect upon the impact of the demographic growth on our planet.

[ demoGraph ]  world premiere  |  Zurich 2019  

Concept and composition: José Pino
Digital animation: Federico Foderaro

Co-production: Germany/Switzerland  |  2019  |  4’ 42’’ loop

World Premiere: 13 December 2019 Lange Nacht – Artikulationen in der zeitgenössischen Musik  |  Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)  |  Switzerland

Presented at José Pino Parallele Welten  |  11 March 2020  |  Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)  |  Switzerland

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